Excursion to the Marina

Today I took the boys to the Marina.  We didn't really have a plan in mind, we just went out to explore.  Man, was it HOT down at the Marina.  Sunny and 90 degrees, plus the Singapore humidity.  Yowza.  Anyway, if we look odd in these photos, it's because we were scorched.  

The Marina is awesome.  There's so much to look at it and quite a few things to do.  I had a hard time trying to decide what to do.  I was worried about leaving Colin out.  We wandered over to a museum and decided to check out the Mummies exhibit.  

Evan was crying over something stupid and didn't want to be in the picture. 

or this one

my first panoramic shot.  I suck at it.. but this view is pretty amazing

this is for you, Dierkops.  

Art Science Museum

proof I was there picture
Helix Bridge with the Singapore Flyer in the background 

Marina Bay Sands.  Not the best view of this building.  We will go back! 

Art Science Museum.  I had Ryan sit by the R and Evan by the E. 

An attempt at capturing the tropics meets city.  I call it, "Urban Tropical" 


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