Top 10

Best things about being off-track

10. Not having to work
9. Daytime Television. I don't do soaps but I like Good Things Utah, Martha, Oprah, and Ellen.
8. Scrapbooking, quilting, and making cards and other little crafty things I don't otherwise have time for.
7. Sleepin in- well a little at least, Ryan gets better at it as the time goes on.
6. Organizing- some things you just don't get around to, so I like to organize a few things while I'm off track. Colin told me once that he likes me being off track for this reason too. I just wonder if he knows that I like it- no- he knows I'm a total neat freak. Which brings us to #5
5. Cleaning- okay so that might sound weird but I love to have a clean house and it's nice to clean when I don't have "anything" else to worry about.
4. Shopping- well I have to watch my budget but I can window shop as much as I like!
3. Meeting up with friends.
2. Going to see Colin at work.
1. Being at home with Ryan.


I am so jealous you are off track. I think I need to go off track at work. Enjoy your time off!
Anonymous said…
I'm almost there. SUMMER!!! I'm a clean freak too, but I can't let the dirt bother me while I have to work. I just get wiped out (unlike the dirt.) I'm looking forward to cleaning and getting ready for baby. Have fun!!

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