Hobble Creek

Last weekend we took one last Summer fling and went camping at Hobble Creek. I took the boys and went with my parents. We had an okay time but I got sick on Monday and we had to bust outta there and run to the doctor's office. I think the boys had a fun time and my parents seemed to enjoy themselves as well.
Camping Gear + Kid's Gear
+ Two Car seats = I need an SUV. But I'm willing to wait until I have a mortgage.

Evan jumps in the stroller because he knows it's time for a walk.

Grandpa teaching Ryan how to build a wood tee pee for making fires.

Grandpa supervising the boys around the campfire. Evan only fell into the fire pit once. Luckily the fire wasn't actually going and I did catch him before he was down in there too far.

Ryan chillin by the campfire.
Evan chillin at the campsite. Ryan says "camp-set".
This is our little tent. I like the big one a lot more and so does Ryan, he informed me, but it worked well with just the three of us. It was a little bit cold and the nights were an adventure getting both boys to sleep. Evan had a hard time and cried a lot but Ryan did fine. The tent doesn't keep much noise out. The other campers kept me up quite a bit.
They added this sweet playground but I didn't take any pictures of the boys playing on it. Here they are swinging. Evan does surprisingly well on the "big" swing.
I let my dad play around with my camera and he showed me how to do a few things. I've always wondered how to take pictures like this of water. It took us some trouble-shooting but he eventually got this shot!
Grandpa and Evan.
My boys on our little camp-out.
My parents posing for a cute little picture.
Justin brought his unicycle. Evan just cracks up every time he gets on the thing.
To turn around, Justin jumps up in the air. Pretty cool how I got him mid-jump here eh?
So anyway, that was our little camping trip. No pictures of me what-so-ever. I need to do something about that. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the doctors said it was stomach flu.


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