Christmas Morning

Did Santa come?
Yes, he did. Santa came for Ryan.
A castle, for his action figures and imagination to run wild. A Dinoco blue Lightening McQueen inside his stocking.
Santa came for Evan.
A basketball hoop and ball.
All of the presents before we tore in.

Ryan discovers Santa has come...
and, he's excited about it!
Evan coming down the stairs. A little groggy after having been up ALL NIGHT LONG!
But not too tired to make a basket.

Evan sees Ryan's toy and thinks it's pretty sweet, spends the rest of the day ignoring his hoop.
Ryan notices that Santa put a blue Lightening in his stocking.
Colin's ready to open a gift...
and his wishes came true. PS3!
Ryan was very good about opening his gifts. After each one he said thank you and then promptly returned to his castle.
Evan eventually got the hang of opening gifts and nearly opened several gifts that were not his own.
Colin opening gifts.
Jen opening gifts.

We were all very spoiled Christmas morning. We had a great time together. It was quite magical.


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