Auto Show

We figured a good family outing on MLK Jr. Day was a trip to the Auto Expo.  So, we took the boys over and I'm glad we did, because they really enjoyed it.  Colin and I checked out a lot of really nice cars too, some practical, and other pipe dreams.  We will not be in the market for a new car any time soon, but it's fun to check them out without the hassle of a dealership.  The boys thought it was really great to get inside and "drive" the cars, I think they were more impressed with the vibrant colors and shiny paint jobs than the actual cars though. 

There was a wonderful area set up for the kiddies.  There were play sets, games and crazy carts.  I wish we had spent a little more time there (other than just waiting in line for a balloon gun that would inevitably pop within a half hour) but we were quite hungry and ready for some lunch by then. 


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