Wolf Lodge Water Park

 The water park at the Wolf Lodge was where we spent most of our time.  The boys thought they had died and gone to heaven!  The major part of the water park is indoors.  There is a structure a lot like the one at Cowabunga bay in the middle, four large water slides, a wave pool, a wave rider, a lazy river, a climbing area, a pool basketball area, and a kiddie area inside. Outside there was a pool with a basketball area and a kiddie area.
 After Evan wore the water wings and discovered he could float in deep water on his own, he was great in the life jacket at the Wolf Lodge.

 This was the largest of the water slides.  It's called the tornado.  You start out inside a tube, then go down a quick drop-off and launch into a tornado tube.  It was really fun and pretty crazy too.  Once I did the whole ride going down backward and that was pretty scary!

 Stuart and Ryan had a blast on the flow rider.  I think they each rode it half a dozen times.  I was really impressed that Ryan was going on all of the rides, even this thing!  He was so brave and is now swimming without any help in water above his head!

 This is the outdoor portion.  It did rain a few times we were there but nothing to interfere with our vacation.



Missy said…
wow, looks like you have had such a fun summer so far. The wolf lodge looks like a great place for the kids!

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