Well it is 11:40 and I am up in the middle of the night for the third night in a row. Each night this week, I've gone to bed with Colin at 10pm or so, and just lay awake thinking of everything. My head is like a spinning top and my thoughts just whirl around inside my head. I've also had another tension headache (like those I used to suffer from in college) for the last two weeks straight. The only cure is to get up, and go get something done.
I did yoga last Saturday morning and aside from the dumb sales guy hunting me down, and the sore body for the following three days, I'm really glad I went and am hoping I can continue to attend that class. I was by far the worst there and I'm hoping to improve, maybe even get back to the level I was at when we lived in Provo.
Last night I wrote my substitute plans for Friday. I'm going to a conference for the "chronically disruptive student". I hope it will be good, and I am hoping that there are strategies I'll be able to use before the school year is over (June 30 for those who are wondering when year-round is out). Tonight I'm doing more prep and blogging (of course).
I've mentioned before that this school year has been a chalenging one. I've had such a hard time this year and there are many factors which have contributed. This week scheduling has been a nightmare and twice the situation was made worse uneccesarily.
Colin has also had a lot of stress at work and it is difficult to come home in the evening when the both of us just want to roll into bed. We've been trying to make our own dinners and lunches this week and we've really done a good job so far- trying to save on dollars as well as calories.
Ryan gets to go to the Zoo tomorrow with Tonya and her kids, if the weather is good. I think it is still snowing though, so they will probalby not get to go.
Ryan has been trying to potty train himself this week. Our boy is so smart I can't get over it. He asks to use the potty all on his own and he usually goes too. It's cute to watch, I just hope when we start to get serious about it that the process will be this easy. I think we'll buy a small potty for him this week, or very soon so he can start using it more. I never thought kids got potty trained so early, but I guess I was only 18 months, so we might as well try.
Goodnight moon.
Last night I wrote my substitute plans for Friday. I'm going to a conference for the "chronically disruptive student". I hope it will be good, and I am hoping that there are strategies I'll be able to use before the school year is over (June 30 for those who are wondering when year-round is out). Tonight I'm doing more prep and blogging (of course).
I've mentioned before that this school year has been a chalenging one. I've had such a hard time this year and there are many factors which have contributed. This week scheduling has been a nightmare and twice the situation was made worse uneccesarily.
Colin has also had a lot of stress at work and it is difficult to come home in the evening when the both of us just want to roll into bed. We've been trying to make our own dinners and lunches this week and we've really done a good job so far- trying to save on dollars as well as calories.
Ryan gets to go to the Zoo tomorrow with Tonya and her kids, if the weather is good. I think it is still snowing though, so they will probalby not get to go.
Ryan has been trying to potty train himself this week. Our boy is so smart I can't get over it. He asks to use the potty all on his own and he usually goes too. It's cute to watch, I just hope when we start to get serious about it that the process will be this easy. I think we'll buy a small potty for him this week, or very soon so he can start using it more. I never thought kids got potty trained so early, but I guess I was only 18 months, so we might as well try.
Goodnight moon.
ps: I saw my diabetes specialist today and my A1C is 6.8. That's the lowest it has been since I had Ryan, so in over a year. My bp was a tad high but she didn't sound worried. I'm happy to see numbers down below 7 again!
" Insomnia Happens" I suffer from it every 8 weeks or so. A few weeks back I only slept about an hour a night for 4 days strait. I think it is somewhat stress related. I remember the Sunday after that week I slept all day and then woke up and went to bed an hour later as if I hadn't slept all day. I find If I keep track of all of my tasks and appointments to second it seems to help in situations like this. I think for me it is the constant thought of personal problems in my social life, but I don't know for sure.
I have also heard / tried "word association" This technique you take a pen and paper and write as fast as you can whatever is going on with your life. Don't think about, just write as fast as you can. You will be surprised what you come up with.
Just food for thought.