
I decided that after several nights of Evan waking at 1:00 to eat that we would try giving him some solid food during the day. I gave him the only thing I could feed a baby in the house, applesauce. He loved it. He couldn't get enough. And, it worked! He slept through the night that night and every night since then. He is so funny when he eats. If the food isn't perfectly pureed then he acts like he is gagging. He also pretty much screams in between bites. I can't get the food into him fast enough. He'll eat a whole serving three times a day if I'd let him. Such a funny baby boy. Evan has tried applesauce, bananas, prunes, and peaches. He also eats whatever grandma and grandpa will give him behind my back as well. He's been eating so much that he has been nursing less which will be nice for when I have to go back to work... this week!


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