Ordinary Days

This is going to be a jumble of thoughts, I am sure. I just wanted to post about our last week at home. It has been such a wonderful break for me. I have really enjoyed the beautiful fall weather and all of the fun activities that we've done the past few weeks. The boys have been so much fun to play with and just spend time together.

I had a huge list of things to do before I went back to work and I probably got 90% of them done so I'm feeling pretty good about that. I am so happy to be a year-round teacher and get to have breaks in the middle of the school year so I can sort of feel like a stay-at-home-mommy for a little while. For that, most of all I am grateful. I don't think I could do this whole thing if I didn't have some time off just when I needed it. Perhaps we'll survive the next two years after all.
So, here are a few of the things we've done this week. It has been busy but we survived and I got enough done at work today that I don't feel COMPLETELY unprepared for Monday.

My friend Amber's blog has the best little quote on it, and it really sums up my reflective feelings of this week; "Sometimes extraordinary things can happen on the most ordinary days".

Evan is "the power napper" as Grandpa says. He takes these cute little short naps, never longer than 45 minutes at a time during the day. Oh well, at least he sleeps well most nights. Yes, I still swaddle him, or "wrap him up" as Daddy calls it. This is E at bedtime. Always swaddle at bedtime, that's my advice. I think its wise to swaddle until a year at least. If the blanket is too small, get a larger one, and these flannel ones are PERFECT!
We had a couple of extras with us on Wednesday. I've been helping out a friend in my ward who is short a sitter. Her little girls are just super cute and it was nice to have some extra playmates, but I'm glad I don't do it every day! Don't know how Tonya does it!
We had many a meal, and many a mess. Evan eats like a bottomless pit most days and he is sometimes a little messy. This day I took some photos to prove it. I think this is squash which isn't his favorite and may explain why more of it is on his clothing than in his mouth.
Yes we voted, yes I took both kids with me, and afterward we went to the post office which was, should have known, worse than voting! But we survived and paid the rent in addition in less than one hour, for which I was very proud.

Sorry about the missing shirt, but he took it off because it was dirty or something. Anyway, we are sitting down for lunch and Ryan starts singing "Ba Ba Black Sheep". He learned this in preschool and sang it perfectly. So I asked him if he would sing it for the camera and he was luckily willing to do that. He doesn't sing very loudly but it is perfect so you'll have to turn up your volume and listen closely.
Way to go Ryan!

Oh, and here's the afterthought.... I was trying really hard to remember all of the cute things that Ryan says when I posted last and of course I left some out so here they are:
Newtah= Utah (my cousin used to call it Mytah)
got forgot= forgot
Next Jordan= West Jordan

He's been really funny about our recent snow too. I guess my bad attitude toward it is rubbing off on him, although I thought I was keeping it to myself.
Anyway, we were driving the day it snowed and he said, "Mommy, why is there snow everywhere?". I said, "Because it's winter now Ryan".
"Well, I want it sunny back."
"Me too Ry Ry".

The next day the clouds had broken through and you could see the mountains. While we were driving this was our conversation.
Mommy- Hey Ry, what happened to the mountains?
Ryan- They're all clean. Why are they all clean?
Mommy- It's snow Ryan.
Ryan- Oh, yeah, SNOW!
Ryan- But why is there snow? Where is the Sun? I can see the sky is sunny but I want it all the way sunny back!

His exact words, I promise you.


joyous said…
Congrats on getting so much done during your break!!! You are amazingly efficient. I'm still trying to picture the snow. I've been grateful that we've cooled down to a high of 65 degrees and are getting rid of these awful Santa Ana winds. Yuck! Hang in there for the next few weeks until Christmas!!

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