Mother's Day

Mother's day this year started like many days have started this year, one of the boys woke up sick. Ryan came into our room at about 6am with a fever. We decided we wouldn't attend church that day. We had a nice morning at home and since we didn't have to rush of for 9am church, Colin decided to make us "cheese eggs". They were really yummy! Colin was really great to me all day and let me pretty much take it easy. It was awesome! Colin got me an awesome gift this year and I have no idea how he even came up with it! :) He got me a gift card for a spa treatment. I had a facial and a pedicure just yesterday, it was awesome and Ryan has told me a thousand times how pretty my toes are.

The boys got to feeling better and so we went over to my Mom's house for our Sunday Dinner.
I got my mom the 10 Virgins book she'd been wanting and a black cami. I think she was happy about that. She's a great mom. My mom is such a hard worker. She is always really busy but always makes time for me and my boys. She called me up on Saturday before mother's day and said she'd watch the boys while Colin and I went out to lunch. She came over to our house and tended the boys. When I got home I discovered she'd folded all of my laundry and straightened up the house! The only laundry I did the whole weekend was loading it into the washer and dryer- sweet!

I stayed home with sick boys on Monday, took them to the doctor and found out Evan had a double ear infection and Ryan had a sore-throat virus. Tuesday Colin stayed home with them and Wednesday we were finally well enough to head back to work and baby-sitter's. We've had so many illnesses this year that I'm starting to feel it's never-ending.

This is me with my boys on Mother's day.
I love being a mom. These two crazy little guys are everything to me. I wish that I were better at being a mother to them but I know that they love me. Everywhere I go in the house they are right behind me. I've finally taught Ryan about "privacy" so that he'll leave me alone when I'm peeing. Ha ha.
Evan has been pretty fussy lately with his earache but most of the time he's really happy. He's a lot of fun and can do some pretty funny things. Evan still loves to eat more than anything else in this world. He's started bringing the high chair to us when he's hungry! We can often find him eating the crumbs off the floor underneath the high chair before we've swept.
Ryan is hilarious and absolutely brilliant. The kid is too smart for his own good. It blows me away how much this kid knows and understands. He's crazy about letters and words. He asks me constantly about how to say, sound, spell, and write words and letters. He's even been learning his alphabet backward, kind of a family thing.

Anyway, before we went over to my mom's house, we decided to go for a little drive out to the newest temple in our area. We got to driving around a little and stopped to play at this little park by a lake.

Evan found a tennis ball. He loves balls. He can say "ball" really well and love to throw everything! He had a great time throwing this thing around.

There was this cool topsy-turvy toy that Colin and I had fun playing on.

Ryan climbing around on the playground.

An awesome shot of my little guy.

This is a dry Colin and Ryan. They didn't stay that way. You see, Ryan was playing in the lake and we could tell that he was getting too far out there. So, Colin decided to go out and get him out of the lake so that we could go home. As he was calling him over to the dock, Ryan went under. Colin jumped in after him and sacrificed his cell phone. Luckily, my camera that was inside of his pocket as well was rescued moments before Ryan was. We ended up with two new cell phones out of the deal though. I hope Ryan learned his lesson about listening to Mommy and Daddy, but I'm sure its one he's not going to always be perfect.

My hot husband chillin at the park.


Unknown said…
Hope you enjoyed your pedicure and facial. Those were great gifts!

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