15 months old
My little E-man is now 15 months old! He's growing so fast and is getting so big. He really thinks he's bigger than he actually is... maybe about three and a half. Shhhh.... don't tell Evan.
Evan has been a lot of fun lately. He went through a super fussy stage where I think he suffered from a combination of alternating teeth and earaches. It was rough on all of us. He threw plenty of tantrums (I know this stage is far from over) and cried a lot.
He's back to his happy-go-lucky self again, and I'm glad for that!
Lately he's been really jabbering a lot. He'll carry on a nonsense conversation with whoever will listen to him. He just jabbers on and on. I love it and think it is the cutest thing. He's really quiet in the car and I attribute that to being Ryan's MOST talkative time of the day. I think he mostly is just listening to Ryan and I converse.
He's a climber just like Ryan was too. He gets onto things that are too high to be up on and has fallen more times than I'd like to admit.
He's also quite the daredevil. I told you he thinks he's big. He tries to do things that he's too little for and ends up getting hurt usually. At least he's having fun for a while before he falls down, trips, or skins his knee or nose!
Evan is building up his own little vocabulary. He can say quite a few words now. He says:
ma- milk
ma- more
ey- Ry
He doesn't sign very much but he has learned a few.
Anyway, we just love the little guy and life with Evan is more complete than ever.
Most of these photos were from Colin's camera. He uploaded them to his facebook but I haven't really done a whole lot of pictures on facebook. I guess I just like to post my pictures here as we do things and add the journal along with it.
If you're savvy you'll have noticed the video bar on the side was updated a few days ago with this video of Evan jabbering. We have our own YouTube channel and you can subscribe to it somehow I think. Anyway, I added the video bar to the site and it automatically updates with the 4 most recent videos from our YouTube channel. Back in April I uploaded (to YouTube) just about every video I have taken on my camera- if you'd like to see some oldies but goodies. Enjoy!