Rainy June

I hate it when I'm behind in my blogging, or worse, when my posts are out of chronological order. However, the next couple of posts will be that way, so bear with me, these photos are "old".

We've had a very unusually rainy June this year. We've spent a whole lot more time indoors than we've wanted, but it did help while I'm finishing out the school year. I think it may have even kept my students slightly more focused these past weeks, so I can't complain too much. Now that the heat is here, my energy and water bills will be higher so there's another plus to all of that rain we got.

E-man with his juice and blanket watching the rain and lightening, listening to the thunder.
An awesome rainbow I captured in our back yard a few days ago.
Ryan watching the rain. He's not too sure about the thunder and lightening but he's getting more used to it I guess.


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