Utah Olympic Park

While everyone was out here this summer, I decided to put those awesome vouchers I got on a field trip to the Utah Olympic Park to good use. We had a voucher good for three rides on the zip line at the Oly park. It is one of the world's steepest zip lines and is over 1400 feet long! I was dying to try it out because it seems like I was pregnant the last two times I got the voucher. Each ride is $20 so it was a $60 value! And, it was one of my favorite field trips.
Colin and I love to shop in Park City too. So, Colin, the boys, Bruce, Katie, Erin and I all headed up to Park City for the day.
We did the Outlet malls and got a few things for back-to-school. Then after that we headed over to the Oly park. We headed over to the zip line and had a total blast. I did at least. I was so excited to finally ride the zip line. I was really nervous too because after I fell in the Dominican Republic, I became a little afraid of heights. Colin, Erin, Katie and I were all able to ride the zip line at the same time. You ride a ski lift up to the top of the mountain and then they strap you into a five-point harness seat. You sit there up against the metal door and then when everything is ready they push a green button, the door swings open, and you go flying down the zip line. It was so much fun.
I guess because of the way the pulley system works, one rider always goes a little slower than the others. Erin happened to be the one that went slow so she was a little bit disappointed but I think we all had fun anyway.
We went back inside of the museum for a little tour and after that we headed down back into the valley. You know my boys fell asleep the second we got into the car. It was a great and really fun day!
Erin, skiing down the slopes.
Ryan walking down to the zip line. He didn't get to ride. You have to weigh at least 50 pounds. He is far from that.
Katie walking down the hill toward the zip line ski lift.
Erin, Evan, Bruce.
This is the landing spot for the two large ski jumps. When I take the classes up on field trip days they get to stand at the very top of the jump from where the skiers launch. It is very high! The zip line runs somewhat parallel to the ski jump that's why you can see it in most of the pictures. The zip line starts a little farther down the mountain.
Colin, Katie, Erin and Jen getting ready to head up the mountain and ride the zip line.
Just a picture of the welcome sign.
This is Colin and I at the top of the zip line course. I think you can tell I'm nervous.
Me, in the seat getting ready to fly down the zip line.
Erin getting into her seat.
You can see all four of us in this picture. Me, kind of behind Katie, Colin in the middle, and Erin. I realize that it is hard to see us in these pictures so maybe I'll zoom in and post them again so they're easier to see.
Me & Katie.

Erin, Ryan, Katie, Bruce, Jen, Evan, Colin in front of the long-jump course.
Erin helping Evan and Ryan try out the bob-sled inside of the museum.
Erin holding the Olympic torch.
Evan and Ryan looking out at some of the animals. I think they're so cute in this picture.
Katie, hold Ryan, Erin, hold Evan, lets pose for a picture. Yeah, great idea Jen!
Evan running through the museum. He knew it was time to leave so he was running around trying to hide from me.
Me, posing in front of the pin display. There were hundreds of pins in this cute display. This was a big deal when the Olympics were here in 2002. People were trading pins like crazy!


Unknown said…
I have really wanted to try the zip line! Sounds like you had fun.
joyous said…
You're nuts!!! But I'm glad you had fun on the zip line. And a killer deal makes it cool too! Looks like a fun filled day!
CollyWolly said…
You'll have to try it Marvelle. I'd do it again in a heart beat. Second rides are half price! Oh how I wanted to go again.

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