Precious Moments

Colin and I don't get a whole lot of time with our boys. During the week we see them for a few hours each night before they have to go off to bed. Colin and the boys love to play this game where they get on his back and he screams "aaaarrrr" like he's some kind of monster. They just love it, and all of the other games he plays with them. It's pretty rough play so I'm usually just watching and laughing. I caution them a lot but we haven't had any stitches or broken bones yet (knock on wood) so I guess they're okay.

The boys each have a set of "super hero" jammies. They are the first ones they wear each week. They just can't wait to put them on. Ryan loves to play super heroes and usually chooses Iron Man, Super Man, or Spider Man. Evan usually has to be a bad guy. Daddy likes to be Wolverine and I'm either Poison Ivy, Nice Poison Ivy, or Cat Woman. He is so funny!

Ryan got an awesome tool set from his girlfriend Rylee for his birthday. He loves to watch Bob the Builder. Here he is one night dressed up in his gear watching TV. Such a funny little guy. Colin says these pictures will be nice blackmail someday. :)


Christine said…
Hi Jen
Cute boys! I think Ryan is in my nephews preschool class at LaDawn's. I seen him leaving the other day...he looks just like you. I just found out that you have a blog so now I can cyber stalk your little family.
from the old neighborhood
The McNews said…
Ryan is so funny strutting around in his undies and tool belt! I love the superhero jammies too! They are so stinkin' cute!!! We like Bob, but they are really into Thomas now and you'll have to see if you can find Mighty Machine videos. The boys LOVE those movies. We watch em on netflix. I so wish we were closer. These little guys have so much in common.

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