Summer Projects

I've done a lot of projects this summer. I have to find things to keep me busy and my mind is always thinking of things I could be working on.

On my to do list this summer were:

clean out the pantry
clean and organize the drawers in the kitchen
clean and organize the bathroom cupboard
organize my teaching supplies
clean out the 10 boxes of books I brought home from my classroom library
clean out the basement storage room
clean out the garage and organize it, wash out the floor to the garage
prune the trees in the back yard
trim the hedges in the front yard
clean out my dresser
go through all of the boys clothes and put them into bins by size
shampoo the carpet in the basement, STAIRS, and our bedroom
organize the hall linen closet
clean out the boys toys
organize the office and all of my craft supplies

And when I was all done with everything, have a garage sale.

Well... my house is now completely organized. Everything on my to do list is DONE!!! And, I've had my garage sale to. I love it!

I love doing projects. It gives me a sense of purpose. I like having something to do that is really productive. I love the way I feel when I'm all finished, sometimes I'll just open the drawers in the kitchen, or open the pantry to see everything so neatly organized and put away. I wish I had taken pictures of more of my projects, but I have not. At least I have my trusty rusty list to prove that I've done something.

When I was working full time it was really hard to keep everything organized the way I'd like them to be. But now I can say that all I have to do is maintain the order and now I can start maybe decorating this place up a little bit. I've been looking at tons of crafting websites and the wheels have been turning. Now I'll just have to find a way to pay for all of my fun projects now that I've quit my job.


Kathleen said…
Way to go! Sounds like you are going to have some fun while your not working fulltime as a teacher.:)

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