Tuesday Thankful

I keep thinking it's Wednesday.  Am I thankful for this snow and the blizzard of the decade?  Um..  NO, but I was a little excited for it.  We'll see what tomorrow brings, I can't wait to get out my camera and take some great morning-after the blizzard shots so you can all see how buried we get! 

ANYWAY, Today, I'm thankful for medical advancements, technology, information, and for the amazing doctors and scientists who make living in this day and age so much easier.  I often think of the advancements made in the technology and medical science of diabetes (this specifically because of my condition).  It is so incredible how much easier living with diabetes can be today.  Maybe too easy, but it really is amazing. 

With simple blood tests and X-rays, doctors can detect diseases and conditions easily.  It is incredible how medicines and other procedures can save lives and help prolong them too.  Some conditions used to be a death sentence.  

I guess this post is kind of heavy but I wanted to make sure to include it in my list.  Something lighter tomorrow, I promise! 


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