Spode Dish Factory
I went with a few friends on a mommy-field trip to the Spode Dish factory in Malaysia. We had the best time and it was an experience I won't soon forget. We met at Becky's in the morning and got our three car caravan ready to go. We said a prayer, did a cheer and were off at about 9 am. We crossed the border without any issues (except for toll top-up cards) and hit the road. In about an hour we arrived at this little side-of-the-road pottery market. It was typical of a third-world place. True Outlet shopping. There was a nice aluminum roof and some big fans to keep us cool. The plates were very dusty from being outside so long but there were so many lovely treasures. We all had a good time just wandering around searching for new dishes. I was looking for a set of every-day dishes and anything else was a bonus in my mind. Spode is a European brand that outsources production to Malaysia. Their retail cost is pretty high...