Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everybody!
I'm always excited to ring in a new year and begin anew. I like to set goals and try to improve myself as much as I can. My students will be doing the same tomorrow- my "roles and goals" assignment that I just love to have them work on.
So, I've started this year by buying myself a new calendar like I love to do. I got a lighthouses one this year. 2007 was sky scape's from different cities around the world. I like them both. I love to go through the year and add all the birthdays and events coming up. January is quickly filling up with lots of doctor's appointments, but something BIG to look forward to for sure!
Next, I made some changes to my blog. So, if you've been checking today, it's been changing, but a work in progress and my computer has decided to run really slowly today, so you'll have to be patient with me. Anyway, I think I am liking it but I'm not one to keep things the same for very long, and I'm sure you've figured that out by now, but I always go back to blue. It's just my favorite! Anyway, I guess I should post some resolutions....
1. Have a healthy baby
I've been working really hard during this pregnancy to keep my sugars under control and I've done a great job so far. I really like using the sensor even though it can be a real pain sometimes. I'd like to do a blog on it so you can see how it works, like what I did last year with the pump. I think it has helped me to have such a low A1C and I hope my next test results are good as well. I think I'll be giving up sweets for a while, except when there aren't other alternatives for lows. Eating well and exercising will also help with goal #1.
2. Increase patience.
I need to learn patience! I'm such an impatient person and I get my expectations up way too high sometimes. I need to learn to let things take their own course. I've got to learn to be more patient with Ryan. Sometimes I feel like a terrible mother. Having a two year old is quite a challenge, but being patient with him would help us both. I need to be more patient with Colin, with myself, with my students, with my co-workers, with this stinkin' old computer, with life! Ah... anyway, perhaps it's time to go back to yoga class.
3. Improve my spirituality
Spirituality has been a struggle with me for about two years (imagine what I've been focusing all of my time and energy on). And I'd like to gain a more close relationship with my Savior. I mostly plan on doing this by attending the temple more often and fulfilling my callings to the best of my abilities. Family Home Evening can always use more focus, so we'll work on that as well.
Three sounds like a good number. I think that's all I'll do for now. I think I'd like to join the biggest loser club in April though too. Colin and I might do it together.


Brooke said…
I like the new layout.
Unknown said…
Good job on your New Year's Resolutions! I'm always hesitant to make any, but I know I need to! I should join the Biggest Loser Club, too...darn pregnancy weight! Happy New Year!
The Christensen's said…
I love that you are so organized!! I have not even thought about resolutions yet...which I know there are so many that I could choose from! Oh well maybe next year! I'm glad you and your family are doing well. It's so fun to be able to see what you are up to!
Anonymous said…
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The McNews said…
You are so together! I even lose the lists to keep myself together. That or Cam uses permanent marker on them. You have some great resolutions. I won't even worry about weight until I'm done with kiddos. I think you'll find that two kids will help develop that patients thing...a lot. AND being closer to Heavenly Father is truly more difficult with children, but more special I think. That should definitely be one of my goals as well.
The McNews said…
OH! You are looking so ADORABLE btw! :D

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