Bees used to really scare me. For many years I said that I was allergic to them. I got stung once by a bee when I was a child and the infected area was really swollen. I guess that's why I said I was allergic. I'm not sure if its really a legitimate allergy or not. In more recent years, I've become a little bit more interested in bees and honey-making. Reason being; I teach heredity to my fifth graders and one of the mini-units I teach is all about bees. We discuss what they do (inherited behaviors- instincts) and how they help the food-chain. Did you know that over 1/3 of every bite you eat is benefited by insect pollination? Anyway, I've done this unit for 7 years now and I feel like I know a lot about bees but have never really had any hands-on experience unless you count using glitter as "pollen" and making paper-flower-offspring! :) Anyway, Dad decided this year to take on a new hobby or project for the summer and fall. He got the idea of harvestin...